Second edition of MT4T e-Books now available on the website

The use of mobile technology in education has now become more prominent due to the current health situation around the world. Along with the increasing use of digital platforms due to limitations in face-to-face learning delivery, educators need to recognize the huge potential of mobile technology to facilitate learning continuity. In 2014, SEAMEO INNOTECH embarked[…]

INNOTECH launches “Right Click,” a podcast on digital citizenship

SEAMEO INNOTECH launched its podcast, “Right Click” in December 2020 as part of the capacity-building program for the Philippines’ Alternative Learning System (ALS) implementers. “Right Click” is a podcast on Digital Citizenship produced under a tripartite project with the Department of Education (DepEd), UNICEF Philippines, and SEAMEO INNOTECH. With the increasing use of online platforms[…]

MT4T orientation in Thailand

SEAMEO INNOTECH conducted a series of orientation on the enhanced Mobile Technologies for Teachers (MT4T) resources in Bangkok, Thailand from February 05 to 08 2018. The MT4T resources were presented to the SEAMEO Secretariat, Pibool Uppatham School, and the Teachers’ Council of Thailand.The enhanced MT4T Resource Kit is composed of an upgraded and updated website,[…]

INNOTECH conducts e-Citizenship validation activities in Philippines and Malaysia

As an addition to Mobile Technology for Teachers (MT4T), SEAMEO INNOTECH has developed resources on cyber wellness and digital citizenship for Southeast Asian teachers. A series of validation activities for the new resource pack was held in Philippines and Malaysia in the month of November 2017. The additional digital resources on Cyber Wellness and Digital Citizenship were[…]