• Safety Online

  • #62015
    Profile photo of jacob5

    Based on the podcast, online safety should be two way: Offence – that is to act on the world and to other people; defense approach- that is for the world or others acting on us. I think the best tool which online citizen should posses according to the resource speaker is to have awareness and discernment of what is safe  and what is not. One should be responsible of what he/she post and say online, respect the right of other people.

    According to the speaker, what is scary is the absence of critical thinking skill online. Students are the most  vulnerable group. Their engagement online increase specially computer-based education is encourage in the midst of the pandemic. So, education should be geared towards giving students exercises and activities to distinguish and rate the quality of information shown online.

    Of course, the home should also take part on this. Parents should be responsible in monitoring the online activities of their children. Just like in traditional learning environments, a parent’s role and impact on student success is both critical and apparent. Parents serve as a coach for their students, at any age, and support them through their learning process. The same way parents can mentor and encourage students that travel nearby for school, a parent also plays a vital role in a student’s online learning.

  • Author
  • #62041
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    I agree with you sir Jacob. In engaging online, we must have awareness in ourselves of what is our responsibilities. That is why being a teacher we must know this things so we can share to our learners the best information and future problems can be prevented.

    • #62049
      Profile photo of jacob5

      Wow salamat sir Osias- I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts on my post. Crucial yung function natin as teacher sir. Facing our class with the right arsenal when using the technology  would mean success. Specially, it seems that all are shifting now to computer-based education. We achieve success when we fully maximize the use of technology in the teaching-learning process.  Everyday is learning opportunity. Let us continue to upskill ourselves with the new trends in education primarily for the benefit of our learners and for our professional development as well. God bless

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