58th Governing Board Meeting in Myanmar
The SEAMEO INNOTECH Governing Board members along with representatives of SEAMEO member countries and the SEAMEO Secretariat convened in the 58th Governing Board Meeting (GBM) held at Sule Shangri-la Hotel in Yangon, Myanmar from 10 to 13 November 2014.
The Center Director, the SEAMEO INNOTECH Management Committee, and officers and staff of the Center also attended the annual meeting. Observers and advisers from Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Thailand were also present.
Dr. Ramon C. Bacani led the meeting to discuss the Center’s accomplishments, projects and initiatives, financial matters, updates on the SEAMEO Education Development Fund (SEDF) and SEAMEO INNOTECH Regional Scholarship for Education Leaders and Managers (SELM), preparations for the 14th International Conference, and the 9th Five-Year Development Plan.
The Center Director highlighted the following accomplishments during the past fiscal year: (1) efforts related to Education in Emergencies and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; (2) revised competency framework for Southeast Asian School Heads; (3) flexible learning programs (HEALTHeXCELS and LEADeXCELS); (4) Toolkit on Disaster-Resilient Communities; (5) Mobile Technology for Teachers; and (6) ISO 29990 and ISO 9001 Certifications.
Dr. Bacani expressed his confidence that the Center would benefit from the advice and counsel from the GB members, particularly on the 9th Five-Year Development Plan. The 9th Five-Year Development Plan seeks to address reform efforts in the region, fully aware that many SEAMEO member countries are in the process of assessing Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) efforts.
After review and discussion, the Board accepted the 9th Five Year Development Plan and endorsed the Plan to the next High Officials’ Meeting.
The Governing Board Meeting is held annually to guide the Center in setting its policies and directions.