SEAMEO INNOTECH, through its Solutions Development Unit (SDU), has been going around the region and meeting with Education Ministry officials to disseminate the Weaving Identities Teacher Toolkit.
The Toolkit, which was launched in December 2012 during SEAMEO INNOTECH’s 13th International Conference, is a project of the Center that aims to promote the Southeast Asian community. Specifically, it aims to promote enhanced learning about the Southeast Asian traits, values, history, and culture through a compendium of existing teaching and learning materials.
Recently, the SDU team visited the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in Phnom Penh, Cambodia to introduce the Toolkit to Cambodian educators. An orientation was conducted on 20 September 2013 for nine Ministry officers from the Teacher Training Department, Information and ASEAN Affairs Department, Primary Education Department, and Secondary Education Department.
The SDU team also had the opportunity to meet with the Secretary of State and SEAMEO INNOTECH Governing Board Member, Dr. Nath Bunroeun; Director of the Information and ASEAN Affairs Department, Dr. Om Sethy; and Director Generals Sam Sereyrath, Lor Chha Vanna, and Thong Borann.
Similarly, SEAMEO INNOTECH presented the Toolkit at the New Zealand Embassy in Makati City on 30 September 2013. Led by Center Direcor Dr. Ramon Bacani, the team met with Ms. Estrellita Aritao, Programme Aid Coordinator of the New Zealand Embassy. One of the resources of the Toolkit, the Know Your Neighbors Package, had been originally developed with funding support of the New Zealand Government and turned over to the Center for dissemination in 2010.