INNOTECH launches new lobby display
Along with the visit of the SEAMEO Council President in the Philippines, INNOTECH launched its new lobby display on 19 April 2017. The display reflects the directions that the Center is taking for its 9th five-year plan, highlighting its vision, mission, goals, and values.
(Related article: SEAMEC President visits INNOTECH Center)
SEAMEO Council President and Thailand’s Minister of Education, HE Dr. Teerakiat Jareonsettasin and Undersecretary Jesus L.R. Mateo of the Philippine Department of Education and currently Governing Board Member of INNOTECH, led the ribbon cutting ceremony of the Center’s new lobby display. They were assisted by Dr. Ethel Agnes Valenzuela, Deputy Director for Programme and Development of SEAMEO Secretariat, and Mr. Benito Benoza, Manager of the Knowledge Management and Networking Office of SEAMEO INNOTECH.