INNOTECH trains school leaders in Lao PDR
Thirty four school directors and deputy school directors in Lao PDR participated in a School Leadership Program jointly organized by SEAMEO INNOTECH and the Institute for Education Administration Development (IFEAD), the unit in charge of professional development of school leaders and teachers in the country. From 4 to 8 March 2019, the participants worked on developing their own School Improvement Plan.
This training program was done in support of the country’s Education Sector Development Plan and Five-Year National Socio-economic Development Plan, which are both part of the Lao government’s industrialization and modernization efforts. By prioritizing education and human resource development, Lao PDR hopes to progress and move beyond the ranks of least developed countries.
School leaders have a big role to play in this changing landscape. More than ever, they are expected to have greater understanding of the education context, trends, and patterns in order to continuously improve their instruction, lead innovation, and manage their schools.
Through this program, the participating school directors and deputy school directors had the chance to discuss and exchange ideas on the current and emerging challenges and opportunities from the reforms being implemented in their school and in the country. They also recognized and shared the good practices that they are currently implementing in their schools but they realized the need to think of creative solutions that would respond to the new challenges in their schools. The program enabled them to enhance the critical competencies they need to effectively lead their schools. At the end of the 5-day program, the participants were able to put their learning and insights into actionable items by developing their individual School Improvement Plan in consultation with the IFEAD.
The Vice Minister of Lao PDR’s Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), Associate Prof. Dr. Khampay Sisavanh, who is a former Governing Board Member of SEAMEO INNOTECH, was present during the opening ceremony of the program. Vice Minister Sisavanh, in his opening speech, provided the overall context of the program and presented the expectations of the Ministry to all school heads of the country. The opening ceremony was also graced by the presence of other MoES officials, namely Director General Chansamouth Keosoutha, Deputy Director General Darasack Ratsavong of the International Cooperation Office, and the Deputy Director General for Training Dr. Kagnasone Navamane.