MT4T orientation in Thailand
SEAMEO INNOTECH conducted a series of orientation on the enhanced Mobile Technologies for Teachers (MT4T) resources in Bangkok, Thailand from February 05 to 08 2018. The MT4T resources were presented to the SEAMEO Secretariat, Pibool Uppatham School, and the Teachers’ Council of Thailand.
The enhanced MT4T Resource Kit is composed of an upgraded and updated website, an e-reader and set of e-books that promote the use of mobile technologies as tools for teaching and learning in the classroom and for teacher’s personal and professional development.
The website upgrade includes the addition of a forum where users can discuss ideas, ask questions, and upload files. The forum may also serve as a feedback platform for the users for troubleshooting issues and inquiries.
The newly developed e-book on Cyber Wellness and Digital Citizenship contains a brief background on the rapidly changing cyberspace today, especially on how students use the internet and mobile devices. It explores the common risks and benefits of using mobile devices, as well as strategies to minimize the risks and maximize the benefits.
On the other hand, the SEAMEO INNOTECH Reader is a universal e-book reader application that allows users to directly download the MT4T resources and other SEAMEO INNOTECH publications. The app is available on the App Store, Google Play, and Windows Store.
Aside from a walkthrough on the website and the e-reader, an application of the resources was also demonstrated through a hands-on activity.
The MT4T resources may be downloaded through the SEAMEO INNOTECH Reader, or from the website (www.seameo-innotech.com/mt4t).