Proclamation of the Kingdom of Morocco as an Associate Member Country of SEAMEO
Press Release from SEAMEO Secretariat
The SEAMEO Council has approved and proclaimed the Kingdom of Morocco as an Associate Member Country of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) at the first virtual 51st SEAMEO Council Conference, hosted by the Ministry of Education of Singapore on 17 June 2021.
The Kingdom of Morocco, through its representative, Morocco’s Ambassador to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, H E Mr Abdelilah EI Housni expressed the interest from the Kingdom of Morocco to join SEAMEO as an Associate Member in 2019. The Application of the Kingdom of Morocco was endorsed by the SEAMEO High Officials in March 2021 for the SEAMEO Council’s approval.
The participation of the Kingdom of Morocco as an Associate Member of SEAMEO will constitute more substantive cooperation in the education field based on the South-South and win-win partnership between the Kingdom of Morocco and Southeast Asian countries. The priority areas of collaboration include the areas of Mobility and Exchanges, Research and Collaboration, and Higher Education.
Prior to the accession of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Associate Member Countries of SEAMEO comprises Australia, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Spain.