Second Regional SELM focuses on instructional leadership
On 13-20 July 2016, SEAMEO INNOTECH held the Phase 2 of its second offering of the Regional Scholarship for Education Leaders and Managers (Regional SELM) in Quezon City, Philippines. Twenty-nine school leaders and managers from the 10 SEAMEO member countries participated in the said program.
Regional SELM aims to strengthen the leadership and management capacities of educators in Southeast Asia. Programs offered under SELM address the priority areas of the validated 2014 Competency Framework for Southeast Asian School Heads. Regional SELM’s first offering in 2015 focused on Strategic Thinking and Innovation and Managerial Leadership, two of the identified five major competency strands that needed further capacity building programs.
For its second offering, Regional SELM focused on the strand of Instructional Leadership. Through the week-long Phase 2 of the program, participants were able to share their experiences from their own countries in terms of instructional leadership. Their competencies in the areas of leading curriculum implementation and enrichment, creating a learner-centered environment, and developing appropriate instructional support for teachers were enhanced through the program sessions. Participants also had the chance to contextualize the discussions by observing a school in the Philippines. At the end of the program, the participants were able to produce concrete action plans according to their school’s priority needs.
Phase 1 of the program, which happened last June 2016 and was conducted using the Center’s online learning platform involved discussion of the challenges and opportunities emanating from the curricular reforms being implemented by each participants in their respective countries. Phase 3 is a post-course online conversation aimed at consolidating the participants’ learning and insights and scheduled to be implemented on the fourth week of August 2016.