Statement of INNOTECH Center Director and Former Education Secretary Prof. Leonor Magtolis Briones in Celebration of the National Teachers Month 2023
SEAMEO INNOTECH recognizes the hard work and dedication of teachers as they serve as the primary implementers of learning and its recovery, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Center has been an original member of the the National Teachers Month Coordinating Council (NTMCC), the organization responsible for holding celebratory events for educators. This year, NTMCC, as well as INNOTECH through its own event, “Palette of Possibilities: Illuminating Teaching Through Arts and Humanities,” adopted this year’s theme “Together4Teachers.” This theme utilizes the 4As of the Gratitude Framework, which are: Appreciation, Admiration, Approval, and Attention. Read her official statement in the following:

Prof. Leonor Magtolis Briones welcomes teachers and educators at SEAMEO INNOTECH’s National Teachers Month 2023 celebration, Palette of Possibilities.
“The teachers are the main implementers of learning and its recovery. You, the dedicated educators of the Philippines, play a big part in shaping the minds of the youth, and consequently, the future. I have witnessed your hard work through whatever challenges land your way. It is my firm belief that all of you should be celebrated and regarded as indispensable members of our society.
Our country, through the Department of Education and the National Teacher’s Month Coordinating Council, have continued to organize and launch events in celebration of your hard work. As the National Teacher’s Month comes to a close, I applaud your resilience and commitment to your profession, considering how the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the difficulty in providing quality learning experiences.
As we now approach a stage where we can slowly recover from the effects of the pandemic, I continue to implore your continued dedication in equipping the young learners with the education and wisdom they need to navigate the future. On behalf of INNOTECH, we express our heartfelt appreciation and admiration for each one of you and your noble profession.”