Teach On passers for batch 2021-4
Congratulations to the successful course completers of Teach On 2021-4!
We are happy to announce that the certificates of the passers of Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive batch 2021-4, which was implemented from 19 November 2021 – 22 January 2022, have been released. Successful completers should have received an email with the link to the eCertificate. Certificates may also be downloaded from the INNOTECH website by typing the certificate code on our website: https://www.seameo-innotech.org/certificates-search/.
To get your certificate code, please check: https://bit.ly/2021-4Completers.
Please stay tuned for future announcement regarding the next run of the program. For more information and updates, you may follow the Teach On Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/teachoninnotechmooc.