
Quality Indicators of Multigrade Instruction in Southeast Asian Countries

Taking on the task of teaching a classroom of students each day takes a toll on any teacher. But just imagine how a teacher could ensure the learning of students comprised of children of multiple ages and learning levels in one place that is hardly recognizable as a classroom.


Such a situation, known as multigrade instruction, is often a permanent scenario in impoverished communities isolated by geography and social differences with shortages in teaching-learning resources and basic infrastructure, or in areas with low or declining enrollments in Southeast
Asian countries.

Other Resources
  • Management of Planned Change
  • Towards Able Readers and Adept Learners: A Conceptual Framework for Technology-Enabled Early-Grades Reading Interventions (TEEGRI)
  • Monthly Spotlight – January 2020 Issue
  • INNOTECH eNewsletter – November 2014
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Quality Indicators of Multigrade Instruction in Southeast Asian Countries

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