
Success Competencies of Southeast Asian School Heads: A Learning Guide (Vietnamese)

Southeast Asia has around half a million school heads. Although situated in diverse cultures and contexts, Southeast Asian school heads face similar challenges and opportunities. One of these is to provide quality education to students despite limited resources. Another is how to effectively lead and manage schools in the context of educational reforms that are happening in the region.


In response to these challenges and opportunities, SEAMEO INNOTECH, in close collaboration with the ministries of education in the region, crafted a competency framework that reflects the unique contextual realities of Southeast Asia. This framework serves as a guide in the development of SEAMEO INNOTECH’s capacity-building initiatives for Southeast Asian school heads.


SEAMEO INNOTECH’s Governing Board members approved the competency framework and the development of a learning guide in 2014. This learning guide, which was completed in 2015, will facilitate the use of the competency framework for the professional growth and development of high-performing school heads in Southeast Asia. Training personnel from the ministries of education may also find it useful in developing capacity- building programs for their school heads.


In 2016, SEAMEO INNOTECH translated the Guide in 5 languages, one of which is Vietnamese.

Other Resources
  • MCDP Toolkit: Starting a Career Planning Journey (video)
  • INNOTECH eNewsletter – July-August 2015
  • Nurturing Critical and Creative Thinkers Through Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Care and Education
  • Annual Report F.Y. 2019-2020 Infographic
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Success Competencies of Southeast Asian School Heads: A Learning Guide (Vietnamese)

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