
Teaching Competency Standards in Southeast Asian Countries: Eleven Country Audit

To raise educational quality, reducing school dropout rates and providing enough school buildings and materials are certainly important inputs, enhancing the qualifications of teachers, however, also needs urgent and undivided attention specially since a majority of children in the world either get no or low quality primary education due to lack of access to learning materials, poorly built or no classroom, or they have a teacher who is inadequately prepared or unmotivated due to low compensation.


It is for these reasons that SEAMEO INNOTECH gathered teacher education experts from eleven Southeast Asian nations to discuss Southeast Asian teaching competency standards under the SEAMEO INNOTECH Regional Education Program (SIREP). The SIREP research study explored the current trends in teaching competencies in Southeast Asian countries. By investigating how these countries developed teaching standards to achieve quality education, the research thus drew a landscape of teaching competencies throughout the region. The research intends to assist other member countries in the region in benchmarking and developing their own teaching competency standards. Moreover, it recognized the importance of harmonizing teacher standards in the region as an essential step forward.

Other Resources
  • Case Studies of Best Practices of Secondary Level Alternative Delivery Modes (ADMs) in Southeast Asia
  • INNOTECH eNewsletter – September 2018
  • INNOTECH eNewsletter – September 2015
  • School Health Care and Nutrition Research Brief (Bahasa Indonesia)
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Teaching Competency Standards in Southeast Asian Countries: Eleven Country Audit

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