INNOTECH courses now open to the public
For the past years, the flexible courses of SEAMEO INNOTECH have been offered only through partnership with the Department of Education. Participation to the courses requires a nomination from the Regional or Division Offices. Now, INNOTECH is offering two of its online programs—GURO21 Course 1 and TEACHEXCELS—to the public, hoping to reach more learners in the country and in the Southeast Asian Region. Interested teachers and school heads may register to the course on their own. Know more about the online courses below:
GURO21 Course 1
GURO21 (Gearing Up Responsible and Outstanding Teachers in Southeast for the 21st Century) Course 1: “Facilitating the Development of 21st Century Skills” is a course focused on competencies that are essential for teachers in the 21st century. Through this course, teachers will gain knowledge on new learning perspectives in the light of the changes and challenges in the 21st century. The course also promotes the professional and personal readiness of teachers so that, in turn, they would be able to help their students become 21st century-ready, too.
TEACHEXCELS (Teaching and Learning Excellence in School Leadership for Southeast Asia) is a series of two-module e-learning short courses designed for supervisors and school principals. It addresses the need to develop and strengthen their capacity to manage the teaching and learning processes in the school.
The two online courses are accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) of the Philippines; course completers will get 15 CPD points. Moreover, they may also be credited with an equivalent academic unit if they are enrolled in a related Master’s or Doctoral degree program in an INNOTECH partner University or College.
Interested to enroll in these courses? Register online through bit.ly/2020guro21 for GURO21, or bit.ly/teachexcels2020 for TEACHEXCELS. The course starts in January 2020!