08 Apr Extended work from home arrangements up to 30 April 2020
The Philippine Government has recently extended the period of the Enhanced Community Quarantine for Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon up to 30 April 2020. SEAMEO INNOTECH [. . .]...
The Philippine Government has recently extended the period of the Enhanced Community Quarantine for Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon up to 30 April 2020. SEAMEO INNOTECH [. . .]...
SEAMEO INNOTECH is offering three online courses for school heads this summer. Browse through the brief descriptions below and pick the course that's right for you....
As we respond to the current threats of the corona virus disease (COVID-19), more schools have switched to online classes and distance learning. Getting started is quite difficult, especially when you are unfamiliar with the setup. Here are some tips from school leaders across Southeast...
Eleven faculty members of Junior and Senior High School of St. Theresa’s College of Quezon City visited SEAMEO INNOTECH on 1 August 2018 for a study visit. The Center introduced its [. . .]...
UNESCO Jakarta and the Philippine Department of Education jointly organized a 3-day National Forum entitled, “National Forum on Alternative Learning System: Challenges, Best Practices and Opportunities for [. . .]...
“No matter how much teachers learn during pre-service preparation, learning teaching inevitably occurs on the job. No one learns to teach in a year." - Sharon Feiman-Nemser [. . .]...
In celebration of the Philippines-France Friendship Day, SEAMEO INNOTECH held a poster exhibit on 26 June 2014 featuring Marie Curie’s science lessons translated in Filipino. The exhibit is a follow through project of the Center...
With only a few details to work on, the Center is set to release the 2014 edition of the competency framework for Southeast Asian school heads. The competency framework has been enhanced since its presentation to INNOTECH GB members in 2013....
The Department of Education - Division of Cagayan de Oro City partners with SEAMEO INNOTECH for the conduct of a five-day orientation-workshop on two alternative delivery modes (ADM) of basic education--IMPACT Learning System and MISOSA....
In January 1907, 13-year old Isabelle Chavannes started recording verbatim accounts of science lessons given by Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie. These lessons are now immortalized in educational posters and available in various languages....
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